The F.H.B.s in My Life #24…From Misery to Miracle
During the unusual cold spell we had In February our outside water line froze and flooded our entire basement, so we have been dealing with those issues, oh happy day. We had a full kitchen, a small living room, a craft room and two small baths in the basement. Every room had some degree of damage. We had to pull out carpeting, vinyl flooring and walls up to about four feet, etc.
A damage control company assisted us with removing furniture and other belongings, storing and finally returning them. They tore out lower walls and put in huge dehumidifiers and fans. Prior to this, all our basement windows had lost their insulating gas and were a milky white, so we decided that during the process of restoring the basement we would have them removed and replaced.
In the middle of this, as many of you know I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. The cancer was diagnosed towards the end of April, I had surgery in May and am now on the mend. The waiting for lab reports has been the most difficult part of the whole experience, especially for my family. During this wait for reports, the windows were installed and I received a true blessing and insight into how great God is and the power of the human being to help and encourage one another.
We ordered our windows through Home Depot in Blue Ridge, GA. When the subcontractors came to install the windows, I was given a true blessing. After Robert and his father had installed the windows and he was waiting for Gene to write a check to Home Depot for payment, I mentioned that I just had cancer surgery. His face lit up and he said six months ago his hair was down to his hips. This shocked me because at this time, he had a buzz cut. I wondered why he told me this and thought maybe he had cancer and had undergone chemotherapy.
As he explained why, it truly amazed , delighted me and gave me hope. Robert stated that a little over six months ago he and his father were installing windows at the home of a couple in their mid-seventies. While they were doing the installation, the man’s wife took him for a doctors appointment. Upon leaving, Robert said the man was very lively and seemed really happy. Upon returning the man came back into the house all hunched over with a very sad look on his face and tears in his eyes.
Robert questioned the man as to what was wrong and he said that he had just been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and had been told by the doctor that he had only about one month to live. Robert, a man of faith said to him, “No doctor can tell you when you are going to die that is up to God”. He asked the man if he was going to have any treatment and the man responded with words to this effect, it is of no use, I am dying. Robert said to him again, “no doctor can tell you when you will die” . He then challenged the man that if he would agree to get treatment for the cancer he would go home and shave off his hair and donate it for wigs for children with cancer. The gentleman said, “you would never do that”. He replied, “oh yes, I would.”
That night Robert had his head shaved, the man received treament and six months later, he is still living, feeling healthy, washing his cars and enjoying his grandchildren. Robert’s hair will provide wigs for four children. What a wonderful story of one human caring enough about another to actually encourage them and extend their life.
Robert’s story really lifted my hopes while waiting for the final prognosis. May 8th, I was given a clean bill of health, all the cancer was removed with the surgery and I will not need any further treatment. I go back for my final post-op visit in about three weeks, and will need to be checked evey three months for the next two years. I have been so blessed with prayers, love, concern and encouragement from my wonderful family and friends.
I have always believed that nothing happens without a reason. If we would not have had the flood, leading us to purchase new windows; I would have never heard of this little miracle that gave me so much hope and comfort. Thanks to all of you, Robert and most of all God for his true love and power.
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