The Eighth Commandment to Loving Your Car: Tires
Your tires are the only part of your vehicle that touches the road, which makes them the most important control system component. The two most important considerations when evaluating your tires: is their inflation correct and is there sufficient tread to make contact with the road.
Newer vehicles are equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System which is
required to light up when your tires are inflated to 25 percent below the tire pressure that is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. TPMS regulations were put in place NOT to notify the driver that their tires are a little low, BUT TO NOTIFY THEM OF IMMINENT TIRE FAILURE.
If your tire pressure light does go on, it should be addressed as soon as possible. Take your car to your mechanic, or fill the tire yourself. Most gas stations have air filling stations so that you can keep your tires at a safe pressure.
The correct pressure recommendation for the car’s tires is located on the door frame inside the driver side door. It may also always be found the owner’s manual for the car.
Proper inflation of tires will provide for even wear for all of the tires, whereas over inflation will cause wear on the center of the tire, and under inflation will cause wear on the outer edges of the tires.
In the event of a tire failure, where the “emergency tire” (50/50) is used, you are reminded that these tires are not designed to drive greater than 50 miles or 50 miles per hour.
Additional tips would include:
- Tires should be rotated every 5.000 miles
- Tire pressure needs to be checked at least monthly
- Tire tread should be checked each time the tires are rotated.
- Pocket change as noted above is a useful measure for checking tires.
- All of those numbers and letters on the side of your tires mean something
New tires cannot be sold later that 7 years after production, and should be replaced if on your car 7 years after production, regardless of tread wear.
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250 Churchill Court Suite 200
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Got a question? Call 770.928.3679
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